The India Mobile Congress 2023 has officially kicked off on October 27, 2023. During the inaugural ceremony, several key announcements and statements were made by the telco leaders and PM Narendra Modi. The IMC 2023 is being held at Pragati Maidan and it will be open to the general public, media and government officials to witness the rise in tech innovation that India is producing. Here are some of the key announcements that you should know.
PM Narendra Modi at IMC 2023
PM Narendra Modi said that within a year of the 5G launch, India has over 4 lakh 5G BTS sites and they power 5G in 97% of cities and offer coverage to 80% population. The PM also talked about how India was a mobile importer before 2014 and that now it has become a mobile exporter. India is the second largest mobile manufacturer in the world, said PM Modi.
PM Modi also launched 100 5G labs present across India during the IMC 2023. These labs will fuel innovation and development for the Indian telecom industry in the future.
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Akash Ambani, Chairman of Jio Platforms at IMC 2023:
Akash Ambani said that Jio is deploying a 5G cell every 10 seconds in India, and has contributed to 85% of the overall 5G capacity in the country. Further, he said that India today ranks amongst the top three 5G-enabled nations, with over 125 million 5G users.
Ashwini Vaishnaw, IT and Telecom Minister at IMC 2023
Ashwini Vaishnaw said India is now recognised for the fastest 5G rollout in the world. He added that today, the telecom equipment designed and manufactured in India is exported to 70 countries.
Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman of Bharti Enterprises at IMC 2023
Sunil Bharti Mittal said Eutelsat OneWeb to start offering services in India from next month onwards from the satellite ground station in Gujarat. He also said that Airtel has covered 5000 towns and 20000 villages with its 5G. Mittal reiterated that Airtel's 5G rollout will be completed by March 31, 2024.
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Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman of Aditya Birla Group at IMC 2023
There were no significant announcements made by Kumar Mangalam Birla during the IMC 2023. All he said was that Vi's team has worked diligently to prepare the core network for 5G over the last year.