HTC has another premium device under development, which might be announced with the One M9 at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2015. The device is tentatively known as A55 and it will be a part of the Desire series, but with high-end specifications and features.
According to the serial leakster, upleaks, the A55 sports a 5.5-inch QHD display, MediaTek MT6795 octa-core 64-bit chipset, 3GB RAM, 32GB storage, 20-megapixel rear camera, 13-megapixel or 4 UltraPixel front camera. It also has HTC hallmark features such as the BoomSound speakers, Sense 7.0 on top of Android 5.0, Bluetooth 4.1, less than 3000 mAh battery.
The smartphone will be available in White Rose Gold, Gray, and Brown Gold colors. It will get its own Dot View case. It will be coming in two variants, a single SIM version for the European markets and a dual SIM version for the Asian markets.