Google Pixel 5a is expected to soon be available for the Indian market. It has recently received certification from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). There is a Google device listed with a codename - ‘G Logo GROM2’ on the certification platform. Many smartphone lovers and enthusiasts believe that it is none other than the Google Pixel 5a. It is worth noting that not much official information or even leaks about the device have made rounds online, which is quite strange for a device that might launch soon.
Google Looking to Capture Market Share With Pixel 5a
A report from ET Telecom said that Google is looking to increase its market share with the Pixel 5a. The company is not looking to compete in the ultra-premium range in India. Google said that its focus is on the Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000 market segment.
Thus we can expect the pricing of Google Pixel 5a in the same range as well. The Google Pixel 4a was launched for an introductory price of Rs 29,999 (6GB RAM + 128GB internal storage). It is expected to feature a Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 series 4G chipset.
Google said that it won’t be launching the 5G variants of the Pixel 5 series in India because the market hasn’t developed yet. It would only mean higher hardware costs without any utility. The Google Pixel 5a might also be manufactured in India.
The search engine giant, just like Apple and Samsung, is looking to set up manufacturing facilities in India. It will be interesting to see how the market strategy of competing in the mid-premium range pans out for Google. Companies such as OnePlus, Samsung, and Apple already have a strong foothold in the segment.
It is worth noting that multiple reports have suggested that the Google Pixel 5a will launch on June 11, 2021, which is still three months away. Thus, more information about the device should surface soon.