Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), the state-run telecom company in India, will be profitable by FY27. This was said by the Minister of State (MoS) for Communications in Parliament on Friday. In the first six months of FY23, the losses for BSNL were pegged at Rs 3589 crore. BSNL has been provided with revival measures which are looking after several of the things that the telco needs. According to a PTI report, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha, Chauhan said that by FY27, BSNL should start reporting net profits.
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In FY22, BSNL's total loss stood at Rs 6,982 crore. The telco was provided with a relief package worth Rs 1.64 lakh crore, and this should help the company in turning things around. BSNL is currently in the process of rollout out homegrown 4G and 5G in India. Since 2019, BSNL has been provided with two relief packages from the government. The latest relief package focuses on de-stressing the balance sheet of BSNL, and the company has also been merged with Bharat Broadband Nigam Limited (BBNL).
Once BSNL launches 4G services throughout the nation, the telco can potentially arrest subscriber loss and start doing good business. Chauhan said that BSNL had planned procurement for 1 lakh sites to provide 4G services under the 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' mission. BSNL's 4G launch is expected to take place in the second half of 2023.