Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has removed its “300GB Plan CS337” promotional pack from its multiple circles across India. The 300GB Plan CS337 was introduced by the operator on a promotional basis in late 2019 in multiple BSNL circles across India including Kolkata, West Bengal, Sikkim and Rajasthan. While BSNL in December said that the 300GB Plan CS337 will be available in its multiple circles for a period of 90 days, the operator had consistently extended the plan. In early June, BSNL said that the 300GB Plan CS337 has been extended till September 9, 2020.
BSNL No Longer Lists its 300GB Plan CS337 in Multiple Circles
The 300GB Plan CS337 enabled BSNL users to browse up to 40 Mbps speed till 300GB with the operator restricting the speeds to 1 Mbps upon reaching the limit. The users subscribed to the 300GB Plan CS337 were also provided unlimited local and STD calls to any network across India.
The 300GB Plan CS337 pack carried a price tag of Rs 499 per month with the operator enabling the plan in multiple BSNL circles including Kolkata, West Bengal, Sikkim and Rajasthan.
It has to be noted that BSNL continues to offer a similar plan in the Odisha circle dubbed as Bharat Fiber 300GB CUL CS346 plan. The users subscribed to the Bharat Fiber 300GB CUL CS346 plan can browse up to 40 Mbps speed till 300GB with BSNL restricting the speeds to 2 Mbps upon reaching the limit. Further, the operator enables users subscribed to the Bharat Fiber 300GB CUL CS346 plan to make unlimited local and STD calls to any network across India.
BSNL 3GB CUL Bharat Fiber Plan Emerges as Base BSNL Plan in Multiple BSNL Circles
BSNL in its Kolkata, West Bengal, Sikkim and Rajasthan circles now presents its “3GB CUL Bharat Fiber” as its entry level monthly plan to its users.
The 3GB CUL Bharat Fiber plan enables BSNL users in Kolkata, West Bengal and Sikkim circles to browse up to 10 Mbps speed till 3GB per day. The users subscribed to the 3GB CUL Bharat Fiber will have their speeds restricted to 1 Mbps upon reaching the 3GB per day limit. Further, BSNL enables users subscribed to the 3GB CUL Bharat Fiber plan to make unlimited local and STD calls to any network across India.
However, the BSNL users in the Rajasthan circle subscribed to the 3GB CUL Bharat Fiber will have the maximum speeds capped at 8 Mbps instead of 10 Mbps found in other BSNL circles.
It remains to be seen whether BSNL re-introduces its Rs 499 plan with 300GB data limits or provides a new entry level plan in its Kolkata, West Bengal, Sikkim and Rajasthan circles. The operator in majority of its circles offers an Fibro 100GB per Month CUL plan enabling users to browse up to 20 Mbps speed till 100GB. The users subscribed to the Fibro 100GB per Month CUL plan will have the speeds restricted to 2 Mbps upon users reaching the limit.