Bharti Airtel has made an interesting change to its entry-level Rs 59 tariff plan. The leading telecom operator is now offering unlimited voice calls including roaming voice calls and 500MB of data for 7 days at just Rs 59. This plan is currently live for Airtel prepaid users in Kolkata as an open market plan. Airtel might introduce the same plan in other circles very soon.
In other circles, Airtel is offering the same Rs 59 plan as part of its Prepaid Promise scheme, but the benefits differ by a huge margin. The open market Rs 59 tariff plan in other circles offers unlimited local and STD calls along with roaming voice calls, 100 SMS per day, and 500MB for seven days from the date of recharge.
However, the revised Rs 59 plan for Kolkata users gives only data and voice calling benefit. Especially, this plan is useful for customers who're looking for an affordable voice calling plan. In fact, if this plan comes under Airtel's Unlimited Combo, then the voice calling will be unlimited without any FUP.
Even Reliance Jio is not offering any such plan. Jio has a Rs 52 tariff plan that gives unlimited voice calls, 150MB per day, and 70 SMS for seven days, which is in-line with Airtel's Rs 59 in other circles, but not in Kolkata circle.
Airtel hasn't responded in a full-fledged manner to Jio's new tariff plans. Earlier, the telco introduced a single prepaid data add-on pack of Rs 193 for prepaid subscribers in Punjab, which gives 1GB data per day on top of the customer's existing unlimited combo plan. You can read the complete details about this plan by heading over here. However, the sad part is Airtel is launching these plans in few circles, instead of launching them on a pan-India basis.
Update: The plans are valid for 7 days.