India's latest spectrum auction has just ended today. The auction was crowded by 8 operators - Airtel, Aircel, Vodafone, Idea, Uninor (Telewing), Reliance Communications, Tata Docomo and Reliance Jio Infocomm.
Auction winners in 1800MHz
Circle | Operators |
A.P | Airtel, Idea Cellular , Reliance Jio, Uninor ( TeleWings) , Vodafone India |
Assam | Reliance Jio and Uninor |
Bihar | Uninor |
Delhi | Airte, Vodafone, Idea , Reliance Jio |
Gujrat | Vodafone, Idea, Reliance jio |
Haryana | Idea and Vodafone |
HP | Airtel |
J&K | Aircel and Airtel |
Karnataka | Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Reliance Jio |
Kerala | Idea, Vodafone Airtel, Reliance Jio |
Kolkata | Vodafone, Airtel, Reliance Jio |
MP | Idea, Reliance Jio, Airtel |
Maharashtra | Idea and Reliance Jio |
Rajasthan | Aircel, Airtel, Vodafone |
Tamil Nadu | Reliance Jio and Airtel |
UP E | Vodafone, Uninor, Aircel |
UP W | Uninor |
West Bengal | Aircel, Airtel, Reliance jio |
Mumbai | Airtel, Reliance Jio, Vodafone, Idea, Reliance Communications |
Punjab | Airtel, Idea, Vodafone |
Orissa | Airtel and Reliance Jio |
N-E | Airtel, Aircel, Reliance Iio and Idea |
Winners of 900 MHz
Circle | Operator |
Delhi | Airtel, Vodafone, Idea |
Kolkata | Vodafone and Airtel |
Mumbai | Airtel and Vodafone |
Apart from Tata Docomo all other 7 operators won some spectrum as their need and money to invest. Reliance Communications has won spectrum on 1800Mhz band in Mumbai circle only. Airtel and Reliance Jio won 1800Mhz spectrum in 14 circles each, where Vodafone and Idea grabbed same band spectrum in 11 circles each. Uninor and Aircel spend their money on buying spectrum in 5 circles each. Uninor is to enter in a new circle - Assam.
Many predicted that pan-India BWA operator Jio may bid aggressively for 900Mhz band, but however they skip it and go for 1800Mhz, that too in 14 circles only. Incumbent players - Airtel, Vodafone and Idea retained their 900Mhz band spectrum in metro circles. Loop did not take part in the auction, therefore soon they will be winding up services and Mumbaikars should start searching for new operator to port in.