Aircel the 6th largest telecom operator by subscriber base has launched an online exclusive data recharge voucher priced at Rs.29 which offers 125MB data at 3G speeds in 3G circles and at 2G speeds in 2G circles, this pack comes with a validity of 28 days. This pack is beneficial for subscribers who use very little data and mainly use their smart of feature phones for instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and keep auto download of media files switched off. This pack is better than using dedicated WhatsApp pack on android smartphones since by default the android system uses some data and unless you have a firewall active on your phone, you will be charged at base tariff for the same. This pack solves that issue at a pocket-friendly price.
Aircel with offerings like this one is trying to push its own online recharge portal, earlier we had shared how Aircel has started offering 20% extra data for recharges on its site. Aircel has realised that data is the future of the telecom industry and is investing heavily on modernising its network in circles where they are operational and with its latest foray in the 4G segment with its offering in home WiFi solutions .
Note: Before activating the pack do check with Aircel CC.