BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited), the state-owned telecom operator, has two data voice vouchers that can be a good choice for high data consumption users. The two plans are the Rs 299 plan and the Rs 599 plan. Though these plans are not new, they can still be beneficial for those who need high data usage and unlimited voice calls.
BSNL Rs 299 Plan
The Rs 299 plan comes with a 30-day validity period and offers unlimited voice calling, 3GB daily data, and 100 SMS/day. After the FUP data is over, the speed reduces to 40 Kbps. There are no additional benefits included in this plan.
Read More - BSNL 2GB Daily Data Prepaid Plans You Can Choose From
BSNL Rs 599 Plan
On the other hand, the Rs 599 plan, introduced as a work-from-home solution, comes with an 84-day validity period. It offers 3GB daily data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 SMS/day. In addition to these, the plan also offers Zing + PRBT + Astrocell, and unlimited free night data between 12 AM and 5 AM.
Though these plans may not be the newest offerings from BSNL, they are still worth considering for heavy data users. The plans offer high-speed internet connectivity, unlimited calling benefits, and a good amount of SMS per day, making them a decent choice for those who need these services.
BSNL is also making progress towards launching 4G services. The company has plans to deploy 200 sites every day after the trials are over in September 2023. The introduction of 4G services will be a significant improvement for BSNL as it will help the company to compete with other telecom operators in the market.
In conclusion, the Rs 299 and Rs 599 plans from BSNL are not new, but they still remain a good choice for those who require high data usage and unlimited voice calling. With the upcoming deployment of 4G services, BSNL is looking to improve its service quality and compete more effectively with other telecom operators in the country.