The consumer electronics brand Xiaomi has launched its biggest TV until now, the Redmi Max 100-inch Ultra-HD LED TV. The brand has launched the TV alongside the Redmi K50 series and RedmiBook Pro 2022 in China. The television comes in as a successor to the Max 98-inch TV launched last year. The newly launched Smart TV comes with a gigantic 100-inch display that supports a high refresh rate and 700nits of peak brightness. Mentioned below are the specifications and price details of the Redmi Max 100-inch 4K TV.
Redmi Max 100-inch 4K TV Specifications
Redmi Max 100-inch 4K TV comes with an IPS panel with 4K (3,840×2,160 pixels) resolution, a refresh rate of 120Hz and a peak brightness of 700nits. The display panel of the TV has a viewing angle of 178-degrees and covers 94%of the DCI-P3 colour gamut. The Smart TV also supports Dolby Vision, HDR10, HDR10+, IMAX Enhanced and HLG formats.
As far as the audio on the device is considered, the Redmi 100-inch TV features two 15W speakers which give an output of 30W. The speakers on the Smart TV are powered by Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby Atmos, and DTS-HD. The newly launched Smart TV is powered by a quad-core processor with ARM Mali-G52 MC1 GPU paired with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The TV operates on MIUI TV out of the box. Connectivity options on the Smart TV include Wi-Fi 6, two HDMI 2.0 ports, one HDMI 2.1 port, two USB ports, and an Ethernet port.
Price Details of Redmi Max 100-inch 4K TV
Redmi Max 100-inch 4K TV has been launched with a price tag of CNY 19,990 which is roughly around Rs 2,38,661. The Smart TV has been launched in a single black colour option and is already available for pre-order in China. The sale of the device has been scheduled to begin from April 6. It is yet not known whether the device will be launched in India.