It was confirmed by Rahul Sharma that Android 5.0 Lollipop update for Yu Yureka was submitted for certification a few days ago. Now, the update has started rolling out for the device, a week after OnePlus received Android 5.0 Lollipop based CM12 update.
Cyanogen OS 12 New Features
- Performance Optimisations, Improved Bluetooth and Wi-Fi performance, and Longer Battery Life
- Improved camera, improved image quality under low-light performance, Continuous Shot
- Material UI, Enhanced Look & Feel, New Theme Chooser, Per App Themes, Cleaner Settings Menu
- Ambient Display, New Lock Screen, Smart Lock, Multi-User
- Enhanced Notification, Improved Privacy Controls
- Enhanced Audio/Video Performance
- New Keyboard Languages: Bengali, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu.
- New Email App – CyanogenMail powered by Boxer
Cyanogen OS 12 comes with Material UI design, as per Google's guidelines, and a lot of improvements to its Themes app (you can now even apply themes to individual apps). There are performance, security and battery life improvements. Notifications, audio-video performance, and lock screen features have received enhancements. The update will be rolled out in phases, so expect it to hit your device in the next three days.