WhatsApp is including a new security feature that would enable users to shield their accounts from prospective scammers. The function is currently being developed and is referred to as Login Approval, according to a feature tracker. The two-step verification function that the instant messaging platform presently provides will be enhanced by this. With this function, users of WhatsApp can get notifications when someone logs in from a different smartphone. According to recent reports, WhatsApp is planning to make it possible to see previous group members on iOS.
The WhatsApp beta version is currently being rolled out by the Meta-owned instant messaging service, according to a report by feature tracker WABetaInfo. The Login Approval security feature has been identified by the feature tracker as a future update possibility. It is currently in development. The rumoured Login Approval function will notify users through the app whenever another user tries to log in to their accounts from a separate smartphone. According to reports, a user won't be able to log in until permission has been given from the device where the account is already logged in. The chance of a user's account and information being stolen is allegedly reduced by this feature.
The two-step verification feature is already available on WhatsApp. Users may also be protected by the Login Approval function if they unintentionally disclose their six-digit security code. The notice also shows the date and time the attempt to log in was made, as well as details about the phone, according to the alleged screenshots released by the WhatsApp features tracker. In a beta version of its iOS client, WhatsApp is reportedly preparing to offer the capability to view previous group members. A small group of beta testers purportedly received the aforementioned upgrade. Also, a wider rollout of the feature to more beta testers may occur in the upcoming weeks.