If you didn’t already know, WhatsApp has brought in a feature using which the users can make their messages disappear after a certain period of time. WhatsApp provides this WhatsApp Disappearing Messages as an optional feature for its users so as to provide enhanced privacy options. The messaging platform giant has provided the information that users can make their messages disappear for a period of 24 hours, seven days, or 90 days if they have enabled the WhatsApp Disappearing Messages feature. However, it is to be remembered that the feature is applicable only to the new messages that users send and doesn’t affect the older sent messages.
How to Use the Disappearing Messages Feature?
The Disappearing Message Feature is available for both Android and iOS users. To enable the feature on their devices, users need to first open the WhatsApp chat and then tap on the contact’s name. Thereon users need to tap on the Disappearing Message tab, and if a prompt comes up, they need to select continue. Lastly, they have to select the time period, whether 24 hours, seven days or 90 days,
To disable the Disappearing Message Feature, users need to first open the WhatsApp chat and then tap on the contact’s name. Thereon users need to tap on the Disappearing Message tab, and if a prompt comes up, they need to select continue and for the final step, select the "off" option.
In a group chat, on the other hand, the group participants will have access to turn on or off the Disappearing Messages feature. However, the admin of the group can change the group settings and can give access to only admins to turn on or off the Disappearing Messages option. To enable or disable the feature in group chat, the process is quite identical. All users need to do is open the WhatsApp group chat and then select the Disappearing Message option.
It is to be noted that if a certain user doesn’t open WhatsApp for the selected time being, whether it is 24 hours, seven days, or 90 days, the message will disappear from the chat. The preview of the message might still be available in the notification bar until users reopen WhatsApp.