WhatsApp is adding the ability to import third-party sticker packs on Android and iOS platforms. WhatsApp has been supporting sticker packs from third-party apps for a while, but with this new feature, users can create their own custom stickers with compatible apps, and then import them to WhatsApp. WABetaInfo says the feature is now official in Brazil, India and Indonesia. Other countries will follow the rollout in the coming weeks, says the website. Users with WhatsApp for iOS 2.21.40 and WhatsApp for Android Beta will be able to use this feature. The feature is being rolled out via respective app stores, so you should wait for at least 24 hours for the update to appear on your Android/iOS device. Continue reading to know how the feature works in detail.
How to Import Custom Sticker Packs on Android and iOS?
There are several sticker maker apps available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. WABetaInfo recommends the 'Sticker Maker' application to create stickers on your own. To give a brief idea about the Sticker Maker app, it allows users to create stickers as they like. The recent Sticker Maker app update added the ability to create of creating animated and text-only stickers. You can pick an image or video from your Gallery app to create sticker packs.
Sticker Maker also confirmed that WhatsApp is rolling out the support for importing custom sticker packs. However, it says if you are unable to add stickers to WhatsApp, then you will have to wait for the latest update to reach your smartphone.
The official WhatsApp guidelines say users can either import a static or animated sticker pack. For example, you will face issues while importing sticker packs that have both static and animated stickers. Besides, a sticker pack should have at least three stickers. These are the things you should keep in mind while creating sticker packs on the Sticker Maker app or any other app.
Here's how you can create a sticker pack on the Sticker Maker app. Open the application and select a name for your sticker pack. Then add the stickers to the pack (images or videos); You can also resize the stickers on the app. Then you will be required to publish the sticker pack. The application will automatically convert the published sticker app to a webp file which can be imported to WhatsApp without any hassle. We have tried this feature on our Android smartphone, running the beta version of WhatsApp, and it worked without any issues.