Vodafone Idea (Vi), the third-largest telecom operator in India, has now removed the Rs 549 plan it introduced recently. TelecomTalk reported the silent addition of Rs 549 plan from Vi on its prepaid portfolio. But in just a matter of a few days, the telco has removed the plan from its offering. The plan is not visible neither on the website nor on the mobile app of the telco. It is a strange move from Vi. Why introduce a plan just to remove it from the offerings a few days later.
Read More - Vodafone Idea Brings New Rs 549 Plan to with 180 Days Validity
My guess is that Vi removed the plan because it would have hurt the telco's chances to boost its average revenue per user (ARPU) figure. Vi's Rs 549 plan came with a validity of 180 days. Even though it didn't offer unlimited benefits, the plan was a good option for anyone who was just looking to keep his/her SIM active. But over the long-run, it would have also hurt the chances of Vi to maximise revenues from people who want to keep their SIM cards active.
Thus the telco may have removed the plan to push consumers to recharge with other options that don't offer such long validities for a low price. But again, Vi hasn't said anything offficially on the matter. The telco is still trying to raise funds which hasn't happened for years now. Vodafone Idea needs to figure out its finances so that it can work out a solid strategy to make a U-turn in the sector.
Vi is the only private telecom company in India that has not launched 5G yet. Its subscribers are also leaving its network at a fast rate to go to the competitors and consume their services.
Kindly share with us in the comments or on Twitter if you can see the Rs 549 plan in your circle.