Following convention like every year, Vodafone India is ready for the 2018 Pandharpur Yatra. Since the year 2013, Vodafone has been known to assist the Warkaris during their Pandharpur Yatra every year. This year also the telco has come up with new offerings for the Warkaris which they will be able to avail free of cost. This project, known as the ritual Ashadh initiative will witness the inclusion of two Vodafone Mobile vans which will help the travellers in staying connected with their families during the entire span of their journey. The Warkaris will have access to free calling facility, mobile charging points, recharge vouchers and M-Pesa money transfer service owing to the service of Vodafone’s Mobile vans. Not only this, but the Vodafone Mobile Vans will travel also cover the entire distance with lakhs of Warkaris all through their journey from Pune to Pandharpur. One van each will accompany the Warkaris on the Palkhi routes of Tukaram Maharaj and Dnyaneshwar Maharaj. Each Mobile Van will be equipped with 8 phones and over 50 charging points for use by the people.
Speaking about the initiative, Ashish Chandra, Business Head of Vodafone India in Goa and Maharashtra circle said “Vodafone is proud to associate with the Pandharpur Yatra for the sixth year in a row. The annual yatra is a one-of-its-kind pilgrimage that brings almost all of Maharashtra together, with lakhs of devotees from different towns in the state joining in the 450 kms journey by foot." He said that Vodafone India is glad to become a support for the Warkaris in their pilgrimage.
This year there will also be a new addition of LED screens by Vodafone. The telco will stream live content such as news, bhakti bhajans and religious movies using its Vodafone Play service. This way Vodafone will not only add to convenience but will also bring entertainment on the road for the Warkaris.
Reportedly The Vodafone Mobile Vans were unveiled by the trustees of Tukaram Maharaj and Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhis in the presence of Ashish Chandra.
Adding to his statement about the Vodafone Mobile vans, Ashish Chandra said “This year Vodafone Play will provide wholesome entertainment to the Warkaris during their halts. All through the 21 day long arduous trek, the Warkaris have strength in knowing that Vodafone’s seamless, uninterrupted and reliable network is on hand to ensure they are always in touch. Going forward, we look forward to continuing our endeavour to enhance the spiritual experience of the Warkaris.”