Vivo Y15s has been launched in India on February 18, Friday. The newly launched budget device from Vivo is its latest addition to the Y series portfolio. Vivo Y15s was earlier launched in Singapore back in November 2021. The all-new Vivo Y15s comes with waterdrop-style display notch housing the selfie camera and runs on Google's Android Go edition — the streamlined version of Android. The device is expected to compete with the devices such as Moto E40 and Redmi 10 Prime in the Indian market. Let’s take a look at the specification and pricing details.
Vivo Y15s Specifications
Vivo Y15s has been launched in India with a display featuring a 6.51-inch HD+ (720x1,600pixels) IPS display with a 20:9 aspect ratio. The device offers dual nano SIM slots and operates on Android 11 (Go edition) with Funtouch OS 11.1 on top. Vivo Y15s features an octa-core MediaTek Helio P35 chipset that is coupled with up to 3GB of RAM. The handset has 32GB of onboard storage which is expandable up to 1TB via a dedicated microSD card slot.
On the camera front, Vivo Y15s comes with a dual rear camera setup headlined by a 13MP primary lens with an f/2.2 lens along with a 2MP macro camera. The front of the device features an 8MP selfie camera with an f/2.0 lens. The handset is backed by a 5000mAh battery and supports 10W charging support. Connectivity options on the device include 4G LTE, dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0, GPS/ A-GPS, FM radio, Micro-USB port. Along with an accelerometer, ambient light, and a proximity sensor, Vivo Y15s also comes with a side-mounted fingerprint scanner.
Vivo Y15s Price Details
Vivo Y15s has been launched in India with a single storage variant of 3GB + 32GB at a price tag of Rs 10,990 which is an introductory offer and the retail price of the device is Rs 13,990. The colour options available on the Vivo Y15s are Mystic Blue and Wave Green. In comparison, the Vivo Y15s was released in Singapore for SGD 179 which is roughly around Rs 10,000 for the same storage configuration. The new Vivo Y15s will be available for purchase via the company’s official website as well as offline and online retail stores.