Videocon Mobile Services Launches Special Packs For Himachal Pradesh

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Videocon Mobile Services Launches Special Packs For Himachal PradeshVideocon Mobile Services today launched new offers for the customers of Himachal Pradesh. According to the latest figures released by COAI, Videocon has just managed to add 596 customers for the month of August.

Videocon launched three new special tariff vouchers (STVs), two Local & STD Packs and also a full talk time voucher.

The three special tariff vouchers launched are priced at Rs.63, Rs. 148 and at Rs.395.

With STV 63, you can enjoy a special tariff of calling to any local Videocon Number at just 20 paise/minute whereas calls made to other local networks will be charged at just 40paise/minute. STD calls will be charged at flat 50p/minute. This special tariff voucher comes with the talk time of Rs. 30 and has a tariff validity of 180 days.

With STV Rs148 you can enjoy 30 min of Local Off-net +30 min of Local On-net calling every day with no talk-time and the tariff validity will be valid for 30 days. STV Rs395 provides Unlimited Local Usage, subject to fair usage policy of 3000 minutes to any Local mobile/landline beyond which the calls are charged @ 1 P/sec. This pack also provides a talk time of Rs. 50. The tariff validity will be valid for 30 days from the date of recharge.

The two Local and STD Packs launched are priced at Rs.14 and Rs.55. With “Local & STD Pack 14” customer gets 30 free minutes which can be utilized in Local as well also in STD, making effective call charge to 46paise/minute whereas in “Local & STD Pack 55” customer gets 125 free minutes which can be utilized in Local as well also in STD, making effective call charge to 44paise/minute.

Videocon Mobile Services also launched new “FULL TALKTIME” Recharge offer which is priced at Rs.62. With an E-Recharge of Rs. 62, customer gets “FULL TALKTIME” benefit of Rs. 62 in the Main Balance.

The offer details are tabulated below:

ParticularsSTV 63STV 148STV 395Local & STD Pack 14Local & STD Pack 55
MRP (Rs.)631483951455
Talk time (Rs.)20305000
Local V2V20p1p1p--
Local V2O40p1p1p--
BenefitEnjoy all local Videocon calls at 20p/min. and other local calls at 40p/min.Free local calls of 30 minutes V to V and 30 minutes to others, per day. Unutilized free minutes of the day would be forfeited.3000 minutes to any Local mobile/landline beyond which the calls are charged @ 1 P/sec30 minutes for making free Local and STD calls on any network.125 minutes for making free Local and STD calls on any network.
Pulse60 SecondsPer SecondPer Second60 Seconds60 Seconds
Validity180 days30 days30 days30 days30 days

For more, you can also talk to V-Care executive at 121 (toll free) from your Videocon Mobile or alternatively you can also call 9074012345 from any other number.

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So do they plan to pay all AGR dues, or are they waiving white flag here ?

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