As per Sony's latest tweet, it looks Sony will announce a 'selfie' focussed Xperia C3 tomorrow. The tweet makes us believe that it will come with a good front-facing camera with dedicated front-facing LED flash light. According to the latest leak the Xperia C3 comes with a front-facing camera with LED flash and a 2500 mAh battery. The device also comes in various flashy colour options.
See your #selfies in a whole new light
— Sony Xperia (@sonyxperia) July 7, 2014
As of now, the smartphone with best front-facing camera is the Gionee Elife E7 which has an 8MP front-facing wide-angle lens camera with autofocus. The smartphones like HTC One M8, HTC Desire 816 and Gionee Elife S5.5 come with 5MP front-facing cameras without autofocus.