Reliance Jio, the Mukesh Ambani-led 4G telecom operator, said that it has kicked off its enterprise services in the country on a trial basis, even as it continues to offer fiber-to-the-home broadband service in various cities on a trial basis. "The Company continues to make progress for delivering Enterprise solutions and FTTH with beta trials initiated in a few locations," the 4G telco said, adding that these services are being offered using the same integrated network and platforms.
Media reports recently said that Jio was planning to launch enterprise services like unified communications, Multiprotocol Label Switching (a protocol for high-speed telecom traffic) networks, Internet Protocol-Virtual Private Networks, cloud services, and managed video-conferencing, among others. The telco had already conducted a soft launch of the services recently.
"Jio has created a strong data network with infrastructure and backhaul for offering wireless services, wireline services, FTTH, Enterprise offering, IOT services and other digital services. These will lead to further data consumption on the network," the telco said.
In the enterprise space, Jio will be vying against players like Tata Docomo, Bharti Airtel, BSNL, Reliance Communications (RCom) and Tata Communications.
Reliance Jio Infocomm had last week entered into a deal with RCom for the acquisition of its assets, including spectrum, optical fiber network, and media convergence nodes, which will help the 4G entrant for a large scale roll-out of its wireless and fiber to home and enterprise services, Moody's said in a statement.
As part of the transaction, Jio will acquire 122.4 MHz of 4G spectrum, 43,000 towers, 178,000 route kilometer of pan India optical fiber network and 248 media convergence nodes.
Jio already has about 1 lakh telecom towers and more than 2 lakh route km of fiber.