Xiaomi's sub-brand Redmi has launched a new smartphone in India dubbed Redmi 14C 5G. It is an affordable 5G offering from the company which comes with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 mobile platform. To make the device an appealing offering, Xiaomi has decided to price it under Rs 10,000 and pack it with specifications such as a 5000mAh+ battery and a dual-camera unit at the back. The competition of 5G phones under Rs 10,000 is heating up in India with the addition of Redmi 14C 5G as the latest entry. Also, this marks the first mobile launch of 2025 in India.
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Redmi 14C 5G Price in India
Redmi 14C 5G has launched in India in three memory variants - 4GB+64GB, 4GB+128GB and 6GB+128GB, priced at Rs 9,999, Rs 10,999, and Rs 11,999. The colour options of this device are Starlight Blue, Stardust Purple, and Stargaze Black. The device will go on sale starting January 10, 2025, at 12 PM via Amazon, Mi.com, Flipkart, and Xiaomi retail stores.
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Redmi 14C 5G Specifications in India
Redmi 14C 5G comes with a 6.88-inch HD+ Dot drop display with a peak brightness of 600nits. The smartphone is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 5G processor coupled with up to 6GB of RAM (expandable virtually by another 6GB), and 128GB of UFS 2.2 internal storage, expandable up to 1TB with a microSD card.
It has a dual-camera setup at the rear with a 50MP AI primary sensor, while for selfies, there's an 8MP sensor at the front. The device packs a 5160mAh battery with support for 33W fast charging. The device will run on Android 14-based HyperOS and Xiaomi has guaranteed 2 years of Android updates and 4 years of security updates with the smartphone. The smartphone will come with support for dual 5G SIMs, which is a good thing considering every telecom operator in India who hasn't yet is looking to roll out 5G.