Realme has been launching smartphones at rapid speed all around the globe despite the COVID-19 slowdown. The Chinese smartphone manufacturer is known for bringing budget smartphones to the market. Now it is going to launch another smartphone which is the Realme C15. It will be the successor to the Realme C11 which was launched just last week in India at a budget price and also has plans for launching the Realme 6i in India on July 24. Realme C15 is slated to launch on July 28 in Indonesia. This was confirmed by Realme itself when the smartphone manufacturer released information about the product on its Indonesian website and other social media handles. Let’s take a look at what the smartphone will come with.
Realme C15 Specifications
There are not a lot of confirmed specifications about the Realme C15. But as per the details shared by Realme, the smartphone will feature a 6000mAh battery along with an 18W fast-charging support. According to the Indonesian website of Realme, the smartphone will be seen in two colours — grey and blue. Along with that, in the front screen there is a small notch to fit the selfie-camera and at the rear is a quad-camera setup. Details about the camera are not yet confirmed. A fingerprint scanner is visible at the back of the device and the Realme C15 seems to come equipped with a 3.5mm headphone jack at the bottom.
Realme C15 Launch Date and Price
The Realme C15 is going to launch in Indonesia on July 28 at 1 PM local time (11:30 AM IST). The smartphone will go on sale the very same day at 6 PM local time (4:30 PM IST). International launch of the device has not been confirmed by Realme yet but it is expected that it will come to India very soon. The Realme C11 with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage was launched in India for a price of Rs 7,499 last week. So it can be expected that the price of Realme C15 will be around the same range or just a little more from this.