Days after launching the Realme X50 Pro 5G, the Chinese phone maker has announced the launch date of their next in line Realme 6 series. The company will unveil the Realme 6 and Realme 6 Pro on March 5. Realme has been teasing some of the features and specifications of the Realme 6 series and the devices are confirmed to sport quad rear camera setup with 64MP primary sensor. The company, however, has so far kept the design details of the devices under wraps. A popular tipster from China has now shared renders of the Realme 6 Pro on Weibo. The leaked press renders reveal the Realme 6 Pro in three colour variants including Purple, Orange and Blue. The Purple and the Blue models were also seen in the Realme’s official teaser images detailing the Realme 6 Pro camera features.
Realme 6 Pro Will Feature Identical Design as Realme X50 5G
The press render of the device shows vertically aligned quad-camera setup on the top left corner along with a LED flash placed beside the camera module. The device is seen sporting volume rocker keys on the left edge of the screen and the power button is probably on the right. The Realme 6 Pro doesn’t seem to have a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner, meaning the device will probably come with a side-mounted sensor for biometrics authentication.
Previously, teaser images of the Realme 6 and Realme 6 Pro revealed the front selfie camera in the upcoming series. The Realme 6 Pro will sport punch-hole display design and house dual selfie cameras, while the Realme 6 will sport a single camera on the front.
The company also hinted at several other features of the Realme 6 Pro series. The device will come sporting 64MP AI Quad camera with 20x zoom for capturing ultra-clear pictures with exceptional details. The smartphone range will also come with Full HD+ display with 90Hz refresh rates. Lastly, Realme revealed 6 Pro would come with 30W Flash Charge technology. Furthermore, 91mobiles claim the Realme 6 Pro will be the first device to ship with Snapdragon 720G SoC.
Realme Fitness Band Also Arriving on March 5
Alongside the two phones, Realme is also planning to release its fitness band. The Realme Fitness Band is expected to feature a colour OLED screen, heart-rate sensor and built-in USB connector. The device will be offered in three colour options, including Black and Yellow. Realme says its fitness band will be the first in the segment to offer a heart-rate monitor.
We expect to hear more about the products as we inch closer to the March 5 unveiling.