The Oppo Realme 2, which is launching in India on August 28 will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset, as teased by both Realme and Qualcomm on Twitter. The Realme 2 will succeed the Realme 1 which was a massive success for Oppo in the country. With this new teaser, Realme has confirmed that the Realme 2 will have notched display, Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset underneath, dual cameras on the rear and a 4230mAh battery. The Realme 2 is still expected to have the same good-old plastic design like the Realme 1 and it's expected to take design cues from the Oppo F7. Realme and Qualcomm did not reveal which processor will be used on the Realme 2, but most likely, it could be the Snapdragon 636 SoC.
Realme 2 to Sport Dual Rear Cameras
Another confirmed feature on the Realme 2 is the dual rear cameras. The phone is expected to ship with a primary 13MP shooter and a secondary depth sensor. The Realme 1 with a single rear camera offered us the portrait camera, which works completely on software. The Realme 2 will, of course, provide a Portrait mode and the company has already posted the first Portrait sample on Twitter.
Realme 2 Will Have Qualcomm Snapdragon Chipset
Aforesaid, Realme has confirmed the Realme 2 will feature Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset under the hood, but it did not confirm which chipset will be used. Realme’s first smartphone was priced aggressively, so we’re expecting the same with the Realme 2 as well.
Realme to Address the Tradeoffs of Realme 1 with Realme 2
The Realme 1 was an excellent smartphone for the asking price of Rs 8,990, but to achieve that insane price tag, Realme compromised on some features. The Realme 1 lacked a fingerprint scanner, but instead, it offered Face Unlock feature. The Realme 2 will sport a fingerprint scanner, according to a leaked render of the phone. Thanks to Oppo’s Color OS, the Realme 2 might also offer Face Unlock functionality.
Realme 2 is Also Expected to Be Priced Aggressively
The Realme 2 succeeds the Realme 1, which became an instant hit because of its aggressive pricing. The company managed to sell 4 lakh units of Realme 1 in 40 days and even secured 1% market share in Q2 2018. The Realme 2 is also expected to be priced aggressively, but not as aggressive as the Realme 1. But the usage of Snapdragon chipset means the Realme 2 could be priced over Rs 10,000 in India.