The OnePlus 7 and the OnePlus 7 Pro have taken the Indian smartphone market by storm. The two new phone releases from OnePlus have received rave reviews from everyone and owing to their specifications, design and the remarkably smooth OxygenOS which they pack, these phones have managed to create their dominance in the country. However, OnePlus has been known to launch its phone’s colour variants step by step, teasing its fans. While for the launch of OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro we got to see the standard colour variants of the phone, the OnePlus 7’s Mirror Blue variant was kept for some other time. Now it seems that finally, the OnePlus 7 Mirror Blue variant is going to see the light of the day. Here are all that you need to know about this new variant of OnePlus 7.
OnePlus 7 Mirror Blue Variant Sale and Pricing
It is worth noting that the information about the new OnePlus 7 Mirror Blue variant has made an appearance on an Amazon product page which announces the arrival of the phone during the Prime Day Sale of Amazon. Amazon is going hold its Prime Day Sale on July 15 and it will be during the Prime Day launches, that OnePlus will be debuting the Mirror Blue variant of the phone. Along with a picture of the device and this information, OnePlus has also given away the specification and price of this variant. The Mirror Blue variant of the phone will be available in 6GB + 128GB storage option for Rs 32,999.
OnePlus 7 Specifications
As for the specifications of the OnePlus 7, although the phone does not aspire as high to match the level of OnePlus 7 Pro in terms of camera, design and display, this device surely delivers similar performance owing to the same Snapdragon 855 SoC which it sports. The device bears a lot of resemblance to the previous generation OnePlus 6T, and it also sports the teardrop notch. The OnePlus 7 features a 6.41-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display but this one does not come with the 90Hz refresh rate as is the case with OnePlus 7 Pro.
On the camera and imaging front, the OnePlus 7 sports the Sony IMX586 48MP sensor which operates in pairing with a 5MP depth shooter. The software on the OnePlus 7 is one of the other hyped things about this device as it comes with the popular OxygenOS on top of Android 9 Pie which brings a lot of optimisations and handy features combined with a smooth and intuitive UI. OnePlus had initially launched the OnePlus 7 with two colour options of Mirror Gray and Red, however, now the phone will also be available in Blue. The OnePlus 7 6GB +128GB variant retails for Rs 32,999, whereas its 8GB + 256GB variant is available for Rs 37,999.