Nokia has announced what it calls the world's first 5G-enabled 360-degree camera designed for industrial usage. The camera is designed for harsh industrial conditions and comes with cyber-secure software and built-in security hardware. "The camera is the result of long-term extensive Nokia multimedia research and contains many of Nokia's ground-breaking innovations," Nokia said in a statement on Wednesday.
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Nokia's 5G-Enabled 360-Degree Camera
The camera is waterproof (IP67) and shock-resistant, offering 8K streaming with low-latency, high-resolution 360-degrees video and spatial audio. It supports transmission over 5G, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet, reducing the reliance on traditional cameras in industries and entertainment events.
Variants of the Nokia 360 Camera
The camera is available in two variants: the Nokia 360 Camera (Wi-Fi) for 8K streaming, and the Nokia 5G 360 Camera – Extreme Temperature variant for operations in extreme conditions. Integrated with Nokia's Real-time eXtended Reality Multimedia (RXRM) software, Nokia says the camera enables real-time remote applications, including situational awareness, remote monitoring, and teleoperation of industrial equipment.
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Seamless Integration with AI
RXRM's APIs allow seamless integration with AI platforms, offering immersive, ultra-HD video and 3D OZO Audio, spatial audio for enhanced operational safety and efficiency.
Finnish company Callio Pyhajarvi is an early RXRM customer. They have repurposed Europe's deepest mine (Pyhasalmi Mine: 1,445 meters) into a multidisciplinary operating environment for R&D, remote operations, training, and for spearheading the latest technologies for the mining industry globally, according to Nokia.