LG will launch its next flagship, the G4 globally on April 28th. It has decided to opt in for a new kind of a marketing campaign to create buzz around it under which it will let 4,000 people globally use the device for 30 days. These people will be given certain tasks and rewards in return for being a part of the program.
The program has just kicked off in India and you can sign yourself . About the program, LG said, “A smartphone doesn’t solve its purpose if it tops all the speed and benchmark tests but fails to satisfy the consumer needs. Realizing this, LG India is bringing this exciting and unique way to get our most important mobile product of the year, the LG G4, close to the consumers.”
You need send in a message as you sign up as to why you want to try out the device. You can send in multiple entries and sharing the information about it will increase your chances of getting selected in the competition. The winners will be selected on May 8th post which they'll get the device for 30 days.
Talking about the LG G4, the device has had pretty much everything about itself leaked in all its glory and it is just the information about the pricing which is awaited by the prospective customers. You can read everything about the LG G4 here.