iVoomi, the Chinese brand which launched a slew of entry-level smartphones in the last one year has today announced the launch of India's most affordable smartphone with a shatterproof display. Dubbed as the iVoomi i5, the smartphone is priced at Rs 3,499 for the Indian market, but it's available at an effective price of Rs 1,299, thanks to the Rs 2,200 cashback offer from telecom operator Reliance Jio. The iVoomi i5 runs Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box and offers 4G VoLTE feature. iVoomi stated the device would be available for purchase at Rs 3,499 on Snapdeal starting today and as mentioned, Jio users will get additional cashback.
iVoomi i5 Specifications and Features
This is not the first smartphone from iVoomi to feature the shatterproof display tech. Earlier, the company launched two smartphones under its Me series with shatterproof displays- the iVoomi Me3 and iVoomi Me 3S. Now the company is back with the iVoomi i5, which the most affordable smartphone in India to feature shatterproof display.
Specifications wise, the iVoomi i5 sports a 5-inch FWVGA display and its powered by an unspecified quad-core 1.2 GHz processor. The chipset works in tandem with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage. iVoomi has added a dedicated microSD card slot for users who will be looking to expand the storage. Connectivity options in the device include 4G LTE, VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS.
This dual-SIM smartphone comes laden with Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box. As for optics, the iVoomi i5 sports a 5MP rear camera with LED flash and a 5MP front-facing camera. The phone is backed by a decent 2800mAh battery. iVoomi has launched the smartphone in two colour options- Champagne Gold and Jade Black.
Also, as mentioned, the smartphone is part of JioFootball offer. Under the offer, customers are entitled to receive a cashback worth Rs 2,200 by recharging their Jio connections with Rs 198 or Rs 299 prepaid pack on or before June 30. After the first successful recharge, the customers will receive 44 vouchers of Rs 50 each that will be credited to the MyJio app and can be redeemed one at a time against subsequent recharges.