Apple's iPhone 15 is selling starting at Rs 59,999 in India. Bundle in some exchange and bank offers on Flipkart, you can get an even better deal. Not to deny the fact that you can also get it from local stores near you at a much more discounted price. The iPhone 15 series was launched in 2023, and it has been 1.5 years since. Indians love to upgrade to older generation iPhones as they are cheaper and become more of a value buy as these phones can be used for several years. Today, we will be talking about the iPhone 15. Let's see if it can be a good deal for 2025.
Let's start with the price for different variants.
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iPhone 15 Price in India
Apple's iPhone 15 is not available in the 128GB storage variant on Amazon, only in Flipkart. The 128GB variant comes for Rs 59,999 on Flipkart. The 256GB variant is available for Rs 69,999 on both Flipkart and Amazon. The 512GB variant is not available on Flipkart, but you can get it on Amazon for Rs 87,999.
Both the platforms offer additional discounts/cashbacks and exchange facility. Now let's look at whether it makes sense to go for the iPhone 15.
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iPhone 15: Should You Buy it in 2025
In all honesty, the iPhone 15 is a decent phone. It has a 48MP main camera sensor and can produce super high resolution photos at 24MP. It doesn't support macro photography like the iPhone 16 does, but you can do without it. You also don't really need the spatial photos and videos feature supported by iPhone 16 as you are not going to purchase an Apple Vision Pro anytime soon. There is 2x optical zoom available, which is also there on the iPhone 16.
Yes, the iPhone 16 has "camera control", which is a decent innovation from Apple, but do you really need it? That's a question you need to answer yourself. With the iPhone 15, there's also the USB-C port, which is very useful in India as most people carry Androids and its chargers are Type-C only.
Of course, there's the question of Apple Intelligence. The iPhone 15 doesn't support Apple Intelligence, but the iPhone 16 does. If this is a deal breaker for you, then go for the iPhone 16. However, the iPhone 15 still looks more like a value buy at this stage for an average person who doesn't want to do much with AI (artificial intelligence) or the Camera Control.
The A16 chip on the iPhone 15 is powerful enough to give you a decent gaming and a smooth iOS experience in total. So in 2025, my answer to you is, iPhone 15 sounds like a decent buy if you are only looking to buy an iPhone.