iPhone 14 Pro was unveiled by Apple during the September 7 'Far Out' event. The smartphone is now up for pre-order in India. Earlier this year, Samsung launched the Galaxy S22 Ultra in the ultra-premium range. The Galaxy S22 Ultra has seen immense love from tech enthusiasts because of its camera performance and great software experience. We ran a poll on Twitter to check which smartphone users would go for - the iPhone 14 Pro or the Galaxy S22 Ultra. It is worth noting that the reviews of the iPhone 14 Pro aren't even out now. So, it can be effective to say that consumers are basing their opinion of the iPhone 14 Pro on the Apple Event.
Anyway, let's take a look at the poll result.
iPhone 14 Pro vs Galaxy S22 Ultra Poll Results
It was a short one-day poll and received 214 votes. Out of the total votes, 51.9% went in favour of the iPhone 14 Pro, and the remaining 48.1% of votes went in favour of the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
The Galaxy S22 Ultra is clearly still very popular among consumers. The voting results were too close. It would be safe to assume that consumers love both devices almost equally. The Galaxy S22 Ultra will be topped by the Galaxy S23 Ultra, which is expected to launch around January 2023. The iPhone 14 Pro starts at Rs 1,29,900 and is way more expensive than the Galaxy S22 Ultra's starting price in India.
The iPhone 14 Pro is powered by the latest A16 Bionic chip, while the Galaxy S22 Ultra runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, the chip made for Android flagship smartphones for 2022. The Galaxy S23 series is expected to make use of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Galaxy S22 Ultra is currently available in India at a starting price of Rs 1,09,999. The base variant of the smartphone comes with 12GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage.