iBall has just launched a budget octa core smartphone in India in order to counter new competition like Xiaomi. The device has been named iBall Andi 5K Panther and has gone on sale for Rs 10,499. The smartphone has quietly gone on sale on ebay and is expected to launch for Rs 10,499. Let us take a look at its specifications:
- 5 inch capacitive display with a resolution of 960 × 540 pixels
- 1.4 GHz Octa core processor
- Android 4.4 KitKat
- 8GB of internal storage with an expandable storage capacity of 32GB
- 8MP rear Camera with LED flash and a 2MP front camera
- 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 with A2DP, GPS, USB OTG and dual SIM
- 1,900 mAh battery
- Silver and Wine colour options
This will also be the first device from its lineup to run on Android KitKat. The fact that it is one of the cheapest octa cores in the country will surely aid iBall's efforts.