The Apple iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus were unveiled earlier this month and have already been released in some markets such as the US and Apple managed to sell over 10 million devices within the first week of their launch. Both these devices are expected to be launched in India just before the Diwali festive season. Now, Airtel has listed the iPhone 6 Plus on their official website without revealing any pricing details and have labelled it as "coming soon".
Airtel will be offering both, the iPhone 6 Plus in three storage variants (16/64/128GB) and in three colour variants (gold, space-grey and silver). It would come with 30-days replacement guarantee as per the information available on the website. We hope that Airtel will launch the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus in collaboration with Apple along with some special data offers. Just to make you remember, both these smartphones would be compatible with 4G LTE networks in India.