India’s largest GSM Mobile service operator Bharti Airtel today announced that it has Completed its Deployment of the Bangalore Traffic Police Enforcement Automation System by providing BlackBerry smart phones to all the officers of the Bangalore Traffic Police.With this, the Bangalore Traffic Police department has equipped all 650 officers a BlackBerry phone,giving them access to the large central database of vehicles, drivers and offenders.
The initiative brings together all aspects of operational traffic policing in one unified system and is capable of pulling out data on more than two million cases in less than two minutes. The solution involves vigilance through video cameras, set up at different traffic signals and equipping every Bangalore traffic police officer with a BlackBerry smart phone and Bluetooth printer, which gives them access to the history of the driver and the vehicle and allows the officer to issue challans on the spot with the click of a button.
According to the Bangalore Traffic Police department “The BlackBerry solution is a powerful tool, which not only enhances the visibility of a robust and a streamlined Traffic Enforcement System but also gives us an effective way to control traffic offenses.”