Bharti Airtel's announcement for the launch of 5G services came a few days back. While the launch of networks was already announced by the business tycoon Sunil Bharti Mittal, there were still uncertainties around which cities have got Airtel's 5G. Well, now, everything is confirmed. Along with that, other details surrounding Airtel's 5G networks have been revealed as well. In fact, we experienced the telco's 5G network in a live environment with several users connected to it at the India Mobile Congress 2022. Take a look at all the details below.
Bharti Airtel 5G Plus Cities
Airtel said that it is launching 5G Plus services in eight cities of the country. These cities are - Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Siliguri, Nagpur, and Varanasi. If you are not in either of these cities, don't be disheartened, Airtel will be expanding its 5G network in a phased manner to other parts of the country. Airtel will be reaching most of the urban cities of India with 5G by March 2023, and by March 2024, it should be able to cover the rest of the nation.
Bharti Airtel 5G Plus Tariffs
Airtel's 5G Plus tariffs are going to be the same as the 4G tariffs for now. The telco won't be looking to price 5G plans at a super premium price even when it is announced. This is because it would result in a slower uptake, and because of that, the ARPU (average revenue per user) won't be benefitted overall. Right now, users with a compatible 5G smartphone and in the coverage zone of Airtel's 5G network can enjoy blazing-fast 5G speeds at the price of 4G plans only.
Bharti Airtel 5G Smartphones
Bharti Airtel has shared a list on which it has mentioned the smartphones that currently support its 5G network as well as the ones which don't support it right now but would in the future. To take a look at that list, click here. You can also check if you are in a 5G city and if your smartphone is 5G enabled via the Airtel Thanks app. To do that, you need to click here.
Bharti Airtel 5G Speed
Airtel's median 5G download speed data has been shared by Ookla. The Ookla report suggests that Airtel's 5G networks delivered a median download speed of up to 516 Mbps. But we have also done a speed test of the telco's 5G network. Take a look at that by clicking here.