OnePlus is expected to launch the OnePlus 13R soon in India. It will be launched alongside the OnePlus 13. With the OnePlus 13, you will see top-of-the-line specifications including the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, a 6000mAh battery, better display, and more. However, don't worry, as the more affordable OnePlus 13R is also likely to come with notable upgrades over the OnePlus 12R. The OnePlus 13R is expected to launch in India in the second or third week. Let's take a look at the expected specifications of the smartphone.
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OnePlus 13R Specifications (Expected)
OnePlus 13R is likely going to come with a 6.78-inch 1.5K BOE X2 flat display. The device is expected to feature an LTPO panel with support for 120Hz refresh rate. It will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and will run on Android 15-based OxygenOS 15 out of the box.
It could feature a 6200mAh battery, which is marginally bigger than the battery on the OnePlus 13 (6000mAh). The device is likely to feature support for 100W fast-charging. This is the same as the OnePlus 12R. While the OnePlus 13 is expected to carry both IP68 and IP69 rating, the OnePlus 13R is only going to come with the IP68 rating.
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You are likely to see an optical fingerprint charging sensor with the device. For the camera, the main sensor should be a 50MP sensor and the device is going to feature a triple-camera setup at the rear. Unlike the OnePlus 13, the OnePlus 13 won't have the Hasselblad branding. For better gaming, you can expect a new generation of cooling chamber inside the device. Note that this information was shared by OnePlusClub on Twitter/X and this isn't official information from OnePlus.