Snapchat, the photo-messaging application is reportedly testing the new redesign on Android. The new design is currently under Alpha testing, and the company is planning to introduce it very soon, Engadget reported it. An engineer Jane Manchun Wong discovered that Snapchat's Android app hides a rough alpha version of the revamp with an experience more on par with the iOS version, IANS reported earlier today. "Snapchat's new faster Android user interface (UI) is underway. It's generally smoother than the old one. Emoji brush is coming to the new UI for Android too!" Wong tweeted.
Since the new version is reportedly in its alpha testing phase, it is still very rough around the edges with missing controls and bugs that need to be fixed. The camera app, however, still captures screenshots rather than direct photos. A peek at Snapchat's future improvements suggest a tidier interface and smooth app running.
Snapchat faced severe criticism for the app redesign that it launched last year that made the interface relatively complicated and because of which the userbase of the photo-messaging app dropped drastically. The company then rolled back the redesign and went on to the older one.
Snapchat is losing its ground in the social media category, thanks to the resurgence of Facebook-owned Instagram which now has over 1 billion monthly active users. Instagram introduced various Snapchat features such as Instagram Stories, Direct Messaging, Video Chat and more.