Reliance Jio, the fastest growing telecom operator in the world today announced an exclusive partnership for the Indian market with Screenz, which is touted as the leading platform for “entertainment-based interactivity.” Under the partnership, the telco announced a new platform called Jio Screenz. Last month, Jio introduced a similar platform Jio Cricket Play Along, which as per the telco already amassed over 65 million unique users. With this exclusive partnership, Jio Screenz will become the largest platform and one of the only integrated providers of entertainment-based gamification in India stated Jio in a media statement.
Jio Screenz platform allows a real-time two-way conversation between broadcasters and viewers in the form of quizzes, polls and votes during a TV show. It also provides an easy to use Content Management System (CMS) that enables broadcasters to design, create and launch interactive engagements. Developers can make use of the Jio Screenz platform by adding it to any digital App using SDK and currently, it supports Android, iOS and Kai OS.
Furthermore, Jio Screenz supports various social networks namely Google, Facebook, Twitter and more. Lastly, to ensure a continuous learning and feedback loop, Jio Screenz supports rich data reporting and creates unique profiles for each user, hence enabling targeted advertisement.
The Mukesh Ambani-led venture stated that Jio Screenz will empower broadcasters and publishers to create engaging content with robust scalability. “The features on this platform are highly adaptable for varied content, allowing for live, real-time interactions between broadcasters and viewers, keeping them watching and engaged. Jio Screenz platform will provide increased engagement and new advertising opportunities due to its advanced abilities to create differentiated interactions utilizing distinct and specific profiles of individual viewers,” said the company in a press statement.
In other news, just a week ago, Jio announced the launch of its AI-based brand engagement platform called JioInteract. Reliance Jio terms itself as a customer-obsessed organisation and will continue to bring such services to the users. And the Jio Screenz service is the second-one introduced by the telco this month. Industry experts believe that this dual-screen experience is the next game-changer and will redefine passive advertising on television and mobile.