Continuing its successful journey in the Indian market, Xiaomi recently announced its selfie-centric smartphones- the Redmi Y1 (First Impressions) and Redmi Y1 Lite. Both the smartphones went on for sale for the first time in India today. Xiaomi India's Director, Manu Kumar Jain now revealed on Twitter that both the smartphones sold out in three minutes on both Amazon India and
In the same tweet, he revealed that the company sold over 1,50,000 units of Redmi Y1 and Redmi Y1 Lite in the first sale, and even confirmed that both the phones will be up for flash sale again on November 15. Clearly, both the smartphones hit a right note in the selfie department as the Redmi Y1 is the cheapest smartphone in India to boast a 16MP selfie camera.
The Xiaomi Redmi Y1 is priced at Rs. 8,999 for the 3GB/32GB variant and Rs. 10,999 for the 4GB RAM/64GB storage variant. Xiaomi sold only the 3GB RAM/32GB storage variant in India today. The Redmi Y1 Lite is priced at Rs. 6,999 and offers a 5.5-inch HD display.
Xiaomi launched the Redmi Y1 and Y1 Lite in India on November 2, and they both are value for money products from the Chinese company. The Redmi Y series from Xiaomi is aimed at selfie enthusiasts in India who're purchasing Oppo and Vivo smartphones at much higher prices.
The Xiaomi Redmi Y1 sports a 16MP front-facing camera and even offers a beautify mode. The Y1 sports a 5.5-inch HD display, Snapdragon 435 SoC, 13MP rear camera, Android 7.1 Nougat based MIUI 8, and a 3080mAh battery. The smartphone will receive MIUI 9 Global stable ROM in the next two weeks.
The Redmi Y1 Lite, on the other hand, has a 5.5-inch HD display, Snapdragon 425 SoC, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage, 5MP selfie camera, 13MP rear camera, and a 3080mAh battery. The Y1 Lite also runs MIUI 8 based Android 7.1 Nougat, but it will receive MIUI 9 Global Stable ROM in mid-November.
Have you purchased the Xiaomi Redmi Y1 or Redmi Y1 Lite during the first sale? Let us know by commenting below.