5G BTS count in India reached 4,64.990 at the end of December 31, 2024. Compared to a year back, this isn't very fast progress, but it is also in line with the statements made by the telcos. At the end of December 31, 2023, the 5G BTS count in India was 4,12,214. So in the calendar year 2025, a total of 52,776 BTSes were added. This is very low compared to the BTS that were added in 2023. Telcos had already confirmed that they were going to moderate their capex for 5G rollout in FY25 and the following years and focus more on monetising the already laid out networks.
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Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel have started monetising 5G. Firstly, now it is offered with higher daily data threshold plans of 2GB or more. Then the FWA (Fixed-Wireless Service) expansion is also one of the things which these private telcos are looking at. Reliance Jio has deployed most of the 5G BTS in India because it has deployed 5G SA (standalone).
Bharti Airtel took a more efficient route in terms of impact on cash flow by rolling out 5G NSA (non-standalone) over the existing 4G infrastructure. In the calendar year 2026, 5G BTS addition should be driven by 5G rollout by Vodafone Idea Limited (VIL). VIL has plans to roll out 5G in the near future. The telco has said that it will elevate the capex levels in H2 of FY25, which is now. So as we near the end of FY25, Vi's third quarter should already show some progression in terms of capex.
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BSNL is also testing 5G and will roll it out in select cities once it reaches its target of 1 lakh 4G BTS throughout the country.