Xiaomi has finally made the Redmi Note 5 Pro available 24×7 in India. The Chinese company which is selling the Note 5 Pro in India through Flipkart and Mi.com today silently announced the device's availability through open sale model. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro is one of the popular smartphones during the first two quarters of 2018 with Xiaomi selling five million smartphones in four months of launch. Both the 4GB and 6GB RAM variants of the smartphone are available for purchase through the open sale. The 4GB RAM variant is available at Rs 14,999 whereas the 6GB RAM variant is retailing for Rs 16,999. The phone is available in four colour options- Black, Gold, Rose Gold and Blue. Xiaomi will also be selling the Note 5 Pro on its Mi.com.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Open Sale on Flipkart and Mi.com
Xiaomi has been trying hard to ramp up the manufacturing of Note 5 Pro in India. With the phone being one of the highest selling models in the country, there's no surprise that Xiaomi faced availability issues in the past. But with the arrival of Mi A2, Honor Play and Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 6GB variant, the craze for the Note 5 Pro seems to have vanished, which is the reason why the device is now available via the open sale.
Aforesaid, the open sale will take place on e-commerce portal Flipkart and Xiaomi's own Mi.com. On the brighter side, the device can be purchased from both the portals right away.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Specifications and Features
Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 5 Pro back in February along with the Redmi Note 5. The latter was available via open sale since quite some time, but the former went on for open sale today itself. Before the arrival of Mi A2, the Note 5 Pro used to be the best camera smartphone under Rs 20,000, but the crown is now taken by the former. However, the Note 5 Pro is still the best camera smartphone under Rs 15,000 with the 6GB RAM variant of the Zenfone Max Pro M1 coming very close.
Xiaomi has added a 5.99-inch Full HD+ display on the front of the Note 5 Pro. It's powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 chipset, coupled with 4GB/6GB of RAM. Both the variants ship with 64GB of internal storage. The phone also offers a hybrid microSD card slot for storage expansion up to 128GB. On the rear side, there are two cameras of 12MP & 5MP. And on the front, the phone has a 20MP selfie shooter. It has a 3.5mm headphone jack, runs Android 8.1 Oreo-based MIUI 9.5 and is armed with a 4000mAh battery.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro and Redmi Note 5 Sold Over Five Million
In just four months after the launch, Xiaomi sold over five million units of the Redmi Note 5 Pro and Redmi Note 5 in India. Also, according to Counterpoint's Q2 2018 report, both the devices are in the top five list of best-selling devices in India during the quarter. With the Mi A2's arrival, the sales for the Note 5 Pro seems to go away because the former packs much better cameras and boots stock Android. But it has its own set of disadvantages such as the lack of 3.5mm headphone jack, smaller battery and no microSD card slot.
Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 Also Available Via Open Sale
The Note 5 Pro's closest competitor, the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 is also available via the open sale. However, Asus is selling only the 3GB RAM and 4GB RAM variants of the Max Pro M1 via open sale and not the 6GB RAM variant, which packs better cameras on-par with the Note 5 Pro. The Max Pro M1 can also be picked up from Flipkart itself.