After rolling out the MIUI 10 Stable ROM to the Redmi Note 5 Pro users in India, Xiaomi has now started the rollout for Redmi Note 5. Some users have reported about the update arrival on their Redmi Note 5 in India carrying a version number- v10.0.2.0. Several Redmi Note 5 users have posted about the MIUI 10 Global Stable update's arrival on their smartphone on Reddit. Some users even said the update appeared for a while on their Redmi Note 5 and then immediately disappeared. Notably, Xiaomi did not make any official announcement regarding the MIUI 10 rollout for the Redmi Note 5, but the rollout must've started in batches. An official announcement from Xiaomi is awaited, which might happen in the next couple of days.
MIUI 10 Stable ROM for Redmi Note 5: Features
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 is one of the best selling smartphones in India during the last two quarters. It's good to see Xiaomi rolling out the update right after the Redmi Note 5 Pro. Talking about the MIUI 10 Stable update for the Redmi Note 5, it brings a plethora of new features and carries a build number- MIUI 10.0.2 OEGMIFH.
Features wise, the Redmi Note 5 users will notice an all-new interface for notification drawer and MIUI 10 is tailored for full-screen devices. The Redmi Note 5, being a Full Screen display smartphone can take full advantage of the new gesture navigation Xiaomi introduced with the MIUI 10. Furthermore, Xiaomi has tweaked the whole audio sounds on MIUI 10 and they now give users a refreshed feel. Xiaomi has used natural sounds of forest, beach, drizzle and so on. I have used the MIUI 10 Beta on Redmi Y2 a while back and the sounds of the whole interface including the unlocking device one felt different than what we see on general smartphones.
Xiaomi says the MIUI 10 make your device faster and the same continues with the Redmi Note 5 too. A few system applications such as Clock and Notes will be replaced with newer versions in the MIUI 10 Stable update.
MIUI 10 Stable ROM for Redmi Note 5: How to Install?
Xiaomi has started the rollout for Redmi Note 5 just now and it will happen in batches for the next couple of weeks. If you're Redmi Note 5 user and waiting for the update, you can check for the same by heading over to Settings>About Phone> System Updates.
If your device doesn't show any available updates, don't worry we got you covered. While Xiaomi is yet to officially post the fastboot ROM links, a Redmi Note 5 user on Reddit has posted the OTA link of the MIUI 10 Stable update. You can download this ROM by clicking here, and to install the downloaded ROM, head over to System Updates screen and hit the three dot icon on top. Now select the 'Choose Update Package', and direct to the downloaded ROM on your Redmi Note 5. Wait for the installation to finish and once it's done, you can immediately notice the MIUI 10 changes on your Redmi Note 5.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Specifications and Features
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 smartphone was launched alongside the Redmi Note 5 Pro earlier this year. It's the same Redmi 5 Plus handset Xiaomi introduced in China last year. The Redmi Note 5 shares similar design as the Note 5 Pro. It flaunts a 5.99-inch Full HD+ display on the front and comes powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 chipset. The phone comes in 3GB/4GB of RAM and 32GB/64GB of internal storage. A 12MP camera and fingerprint scanner are present on the rear side, followed by a 5MP shooter on the front. The device is backed by a 4000mAh battery. Very recently, Xiaomi rolled out MIUI 9.6 update to the Redmi Note 5 which is based on Android 8.1 Oreo. To recall, Xiaomi launched the Note 5 in India with MIUI 9 based on Android 7.1 Nougat.