Xiaomi was long rumoured to launch the Mi Mix 2S flagship smartphone with Snapdragon 845 chipset before the MWC 2018 event itself. But for some unknown reasons, the company did not launch the smartphone, and now, it's reported that the Mi Mix 2S will be launched on March 27 at a special event in China. And the AnTuTu score of the Mix 2S is out as well. As per a couple of leaked promotional images, the Mix 2S scored 273741 in AnTuTu benchmark, which is more than Galaxy S9+'s AnTuTu benchmark score of 265267.
The Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S was claimed to be the first smartphone in the world to make use of the Snapdragon 845 chipset, but that crown will be now taken by the Galaxy S9 and S9+ scheduled to launch later today. However, Xiaomi has also set up a massive booth in Barcelona, but there's no update on what Xiaomi is going to launch. And these two promotional images leaked by a member of Weibo confirmed the phone's launch date as March 27. And he also confirmed that the phone would not be launched at the MWC 2018 event and it won't be the first Snapdragon 845 smartphone as well.
Talking about the rumoured specifications of the Mi Mix 2S, it' said to arrive with the same design as the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, but the front-facing camera will be moved to the top, which will be a welcome change nonetheless. The phone is also expected to arrive with up to 8GB of RAM and Adreno 630 GPU to take care of the graphics in the smartphone.
It's also said to feature dual cameras at the back, followed by a single camera to the front. The phone will still be built out of the premium Ceramic material to give it a unique leak. The rear camera configuration is still unknown at the moment.
As per a recent firmware leak, the Mi Mix 2S is confirmed to arrive with Android 8.0 Oreo out of the box and will have a 3400mAh battery inside, same as the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2.
In addition, the same report revealed that Xiaomi would be adding more Artificial Intelligence features to the camera application such as Object Tracking, Scene Detection mode, etc. So the existence of the Mi Mix 2S is confirmed, but the launch date is still a mystery. Hopefully, Xiaomi puts an end to these rumours very soon by giving an official confirmation about the Mi Mix 2S.