Xiaomi is celebrating its fifth year in India in style. The Chinese company, which promised five major announcements this week, has now revealed the first one. The Xiaomi Mi A2, which is the company's only Android One smartphone available right now in the country gets a price cut of up to Rs 3,000. The base variant of the Mi A2 with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage got a price cut of Rs 2,000, while the 6GB+128GB storage option's price has been slashed by Rs 3,000. The new prices of the Mi A2 are Rs 13,999 and Rs 15,999 respectively. With the new price revision, the Mi A2 will now take on the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 which is the cheapest phone with Snapdragon 660 SoC right now. The Max Pro M2 is retailing for Rs 12,999 and it offers a 5000mAh battery, dedicated microSD card slot and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
Xiaomi Mi A2 Gets a Price Cut: Should You Buy it Now?
The Mi A2 was known as the Best Camera phone under Rs 20,000. And even at the older prices, it was a complete worthy purchase, but it seems like the phone is getting less attention from the crowd because, in less than two months, Xiaomi has reduced the price of the phone twice. The drawbacks for the Mi A2 are the lack of 3.5mm headphone jack, smaller 3000mAh battery and it doesn't allow users to expand the storage.
But on the brighter side, it gets a lot of things right. It has one of the best IPS LCD display panel we've seen on any smartphone in the sub-Rs 15,000 price range. It's one of the few smartphones to have the Android 9 Pie software. The phone feels excellent when taken into hands because of its slimness. The icing on the cake, however, are the cameras on the Mi A2.
On the back, the Mi A2 sports dual camera setup of 12MP+20MP. The 12MP sensor has an aperture of f/1.75 while the 20MP shooter helps in low-light situations. Up front, it also has a 20MP selfie camera. So Xiaomi has got you covered in the aspect of the camera.
The downside for the Mi A2, as mentioned above, are it doesn't have a 3.5mm headphone jack, no microSD card slot and the battery life is just average.
Xiaomi Mi A2 vs Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2
The biggest competitor to the Mi A2 after the revised prices is the Zenfone Max Pro M2. The Realme 2 Pro has an underclocked version of Snapdragon 660 SoC, so remove it from the equation. With the Zenfone Max Pro M2, Asus has got everything right- from the design to achieving excellent battery life, the phone is just an all-rounder. But again, it fails to beat the Mi A2 in some aspects- especially the cameras.
The Zenfone Max Pro M2 packs better cameras than its predecessor, but they are nowhere close to those of Xiaomi Mi A2. But the battery life, dedicated microSD card slot, 3.5mm headphone jack- all make the Max Pro M2 an excellent buy. Also, the 4GB+64GB variant of the Max Pro M2 is priced at Rs 14,999, so the Mi A2 has the advantage in the pricing department as well.