Chinese electronics major Xiaomi today launched a new accessory, the Mi Dual Driver In-Ear earphones in India. Xiaomi India MD and global VP Manu Kumar Jain announced on Twitter the launch of this new audio product. The Mi Dual Driver In-Ear Earphones come with a price tag of Rs 799. The earphones are available for purchase through Xiaomi’s official website in Black and Blue colour options. Notably, these are the cheapest dual-driver earphones in India. Xiaomi has some affordable wired earphones in the market and the newest addition takes on Realme Buds V2 in the country.
Mi Dual Driver In-Ear Earphones: Features Detailed
The key feature of the Mi Dual Driver in-ear earphones is its dual dynamic drivers. The pack of 10mm and 8mm dual drivers which, as per Xiaomi, ensure immersive audio experience. In addition, the dual-driver structure ensures minimal audio distortion while providing a complete sound stage with rich bass and crisp treble. Another interesting feature is that the latest earbuds come with passive noise cancellation and have voice assistant support.
On the outside, the Mi Dual Driver earphones have a carbon fibre outer shell. The earphones come with an anodised aluminium cavity that makes them lightweight, scratch-proof and fingerprint resistant.
The earphones come with a braided cable featuring a three-button remote. Users can trigger the voice assistant with a long press of the play pause button. It features digital voice assistant support for Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri. Also, the braided cable design ensures a tangle-free experience and increases the durability of the wire.
Furthermore, the earphones come with a magnetic suction design that allows users to store them conveniently. The earphones also come with multiple soft anti-slip earplugs to provide exceptional fit and comfortable experience.
The Mi dual driver in-ear earphones are up for sale on alongside Xiaomi's existing range of audio products including the Mi Earphones, Mi Earphones Basic, Mi Sports Bluetooth Earphones Basic, and Mi Super Bass Wireless Headphones.