WhatsApp, the instant messaging app from Meta is in the headlines as it has come up with a new update that will bring a feature called Reaction Notifications. This new update will be available via the Google Play Store Beta Program. To get this new feature, you need to have the WhatsApp Android beta version If you do not get this feature despite being a beta teaser, then you can get it from APK Mirror.
WhatsApp Beta Gets Reaction Notifications
Already, you might have come across a report that WhatsApp is prepping a new feature called Message Reactions. Also, they enabled this feature wrongly and immediately removed it. Now, this feature is seen in the WhatsApp beta for Android version update. Given that this feature is available as a part of the beta version, you can test it even if the feature is not available for all.
Previously, WhatsApp for iOS was working on a way to manage reaction notifications. Now, it looks like the company is also in plans to bring this feature to Android as it is testing the feature on beta and might be rolled out via a future update, claims a WABetaInfo.
The report has shared a screenshot showing that the feature to react to messages will be available via a future update. Besides this, you can also manage reaction notifications for both groups and individual chats. However, there is no word regarding when exactly we can expect this feature to be rolled out to users.
Other WhatsApp Features On Cards
Besides the reaction notifications feature, WhatsApp is also prepping to bring many other exciting features for its users. There will be an ‘Advertise on the Facebook’ option that will help users of WhatsApp Business. Furthermore, iOS users will be able to receive a better privacy option soon with the ‘My Contacts Except’ feature that will let users hide their last seen, profile photo and about info to select contacts.
The beta version of WhatsApp will let users create customised group icons using icons, emojis and a custom background. It is tipped to be rolled out to the Android beta version of the app