The social messaging platform WhatsApp still remains one of the most dominating messaging apps in the market even after being challenged by its contemporaries such as Telegram or Signal. One of the reasons is the wide range of features that WhatsApp provides which it has been rolling in continuously with regular updates. There are a lot of features that remain hidden in WhatsApp which even the oldest of the user cannot find, however, these features can help your chats stand out amongst your family and friends. Mentioned below are three such features you must know if you’re a regular user of WhatsApp.
Strikethrough Text
One of the most interesting features of WhatsApp is the Strikethrough feature while using WhatsApp chat. The Strikethrough feature is identical to when you strike something while writing on a notebook and the same can be done on WhatsApp as well. Using this, users can draw a line above the text that has been selected under this feature. Strikethrough is used generally to represent something is wrong or the person reading it should ignore. The application of the strikethrough feature is quite simple as users simply need to write the text by placing a tilde character on each side - ~Text for Strikethrough~.
Italics Text
Users can always make their text stand out and unique using italics on the text. WhatsApp allows its users to make a text italic by using a very simple method. To put a text into italic, users simply need to put an underscore on each side of the text - _Text for Italic_.
Bold Text
Making a text bolder can allow users to put emphasis on the message or simply can make it stand out. The bold feature can also be used to put a title on a text. WhatsApp allows its users to make the text bolder just like they can make it into italics. To make a text bolder, users can simply put an asterisk on each side of the text or the sentence - *Text or Sentence for Bold*. This will make the text or sentence bold for both the sender and the receiver.