Vodafone India today announced its partnership with Samsung, the leading smartphone brand. Under the partnership, Vodafone is offering cashback of up to Rs 1,500 on select Samsung 4G smartphones. Both the Vodafone existing and new customers can purchase any of the popular Samsung 4G smartphones- the Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro, Galaxy J7 Nxt, and Galaxy J7 Max to receive cashback worth Rs 1,500.
The offer is very to easy avail. So, if you're a Vodafone prepaid subscriber and purchased any of the smartphones mentioned above, all you need to do is to recharge the Rs 198 tariff plan. If you're a Vodafone postpaid subscriber, you should be on any of the Vodafone RED postpaid plan to get the cashback. For the unaware, Vodafone RED postpaid plans start at Rs 499 and goes all the way up to Rs 2,999.
At the end of first 12 months, Vodafone will credit a cashback amount of Rs 600, and after another 12 months, Vodafone will credit another Rs 900 amount which takes the total cashback amount to Rs 1,500. The cashback amount will be credited to Vodafone M-Pesa wallets.
However, there are some catches with this offer. If you're a Vodafone prepaid subscriber, you should recharge the Rs 198 tariff plan for 24 months continuously. In case of the Vodafone postpaid subscribers, they should be on any of the Vodafone RED postpaid plans for 24 months. If a prepaid/postpaid subscriber fails to meet the above criteria, then they will not receive the cashback even though using an eligible handset won't help.
The Rs 198 tariff plan on Vodafone network offers 1GB data per day, and unlimited voice calls for 28 days. Prepaid customers have the flexibility of using any plan above Rs 198, same the RED postpaid subscribers.
Under this offer, the Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro prices come down to an effective price of Rs 6,990, after the Rs 1,500 cashback. The Samsung Galaxy J7 Nxt's original price is Rs 10,490, but with Vodafone's Rs 1,500 cashback offer, it comes at an effective price of Rs 8,990. Lastly, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Max' effective price is Rs 15,400.
Vodafone India also confirmed that this offer would be launched across different locations later this month. Recently, Vodafone partnered with brands such as Micromax for the Bharat 2 Ultra smartphone and itel for several feature phone cashback offers.