Vodafone has launched Vodafone K4201 3G USB Dongle with data transfer speed up to 21.1 Mbps and Uplink speed of 5.76 Mbps for Rs. 999 for its postpaid customers. As an introductory offer, customers can avail 100 % cash back on the dongle along with attractive postpaid plans.
Cash Back offer – On 3G plans with rental of Rs 650, 750 & 850, get Rs 100 bill discount every month for 12 months. i.e. effectively free dongle? Advance rental offer – Pay rental for 6 months & get next 2 months rental free i.e 8 months of usage,on select 3G postpaid rental plans (650/750/850)
The software features of the Dongle are:
New Dialer with enhanced user support functionality: Web Chat, Help Line number on dash board, Online Banner for Vodafone offer updates and troubleshooting guidance for common error codes? Vodafone landing page opens on connection.
Online Software Upgrade: New version of dialer software can be upgraded online by the user? One click access to ‘My Vodafone’ and ‘Vodafone Online’ Web Chat Support .Set data usage limit alert and monitor usage
New Enterprise specific functionality:
Capability to disable Micro SD card functionality Capability to lock SIM card to a specific Dongle through a SIM lock / unlock tool
The K4201 also provides a choice of multiple customised data plans to suit individual needs.