Vivo V11 price in India is dropped by Rs 2,000 from the launch price of Rs 22,900. After the price drop, the Vivo V11 will retail for Rs 20,900 across all the retail stores and major online portal in the country. As of this writing, the price drop is effective on Amazon India and retail stores, but Flipkart and Vivo Store is still selling the phone at the launch price. However, expect the new price to go effective across all the portal in the next couple of days. This price drop news is posted by Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom on Twitter. When it launched, the Vivo V11 was priced on the higher side because it packs the MediaTek Helio P60 chipset, unlike the Snapdragon 660 SoC we get on the Vivo V11 Pro. But thankfully, Vivo has reduced the price in double quick time to make the phone competitive.
Vivo V11: Specifications and Features
The Vivo V11 is a decent mid-range smartphone sporting specifications such as Helio P60 SoC, 6GB of RAM, dual rear cameras and a capable 25MP selfie shooter. Diving into the details, the Vivo V11 comes with a 6.3-inch Full HD+ display on the front, coupled with a 19:9 aspect ratio and unspecified Corning Gorilla Glass protection. At the heart of the phone, we have the MediaTek Helio P60 chipset, paired with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. There's a microSD card slot for storage expansion up to 256GB.
Unlike the V11 Pro which has an in-display fingerprint scanner, the Vivo V11 has a physical scanner on the rear side. Optics wise, the V11 has a 16MP primary shooter paired with a 5MP depth sensor. As for selfies, users get a 25MP shooter which offers various software-based features too. The Vivo V11 measures 8.1mm in thickness and has a weight of 163.7 grams to it.
This dual-SIM smartphone comes laden with Android 8.1 Oreo-based FunTouch OS 4.5. It's backed by a 3315mAh battery and lacks fast charging support. The phone offers connectivity options such as Dual 4G, VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth, GPS and a Micro USB port.
Vivo V11: Pricing and Availability
The Vivo V11 was launched in India at a price of Rs 22,990 a couple of weeks ago on September 25. But now, the price has been reduced to Rs 20,990, which makes it a decent buy, but users have other alternatives such as Poco F1, Honor Play and Asus Zenfone 5Z at a similar price or a slightly higher price.
For those who're interested in purchasing the Vivo V11 can head over to any nearby retail store. Additionally, the phone is available on online portals such as Flipkart, Amazon, but the new price will be reflected in a few days. During the festive season, there could be some bank offers on Flipkart and Amazon which will reduce the price of the Vivo V11 even more.