Vivo's flagship phone, the Vivo Nex is up for sale in the country today. The futuristic smartphone which comes with a pop-up camera can now be picked up from Amazon India or Vivo online store for Rs 44,990. Vivo is also selling the handset through select offline stores in the country. This is the first time Vivo has launched a flagship smartphone in India. The Vivo Nex, especially with its Rs 44,990 price tag gives a tough competition to the OnePlus 6 in India because the former packs a true bezel-less screen, bigger battery and has that motorised camera which is fun to use. On the other hand, the OnePlus 6 edges out on the Nex especially in the software segment, thanks to the OxygenOS custom skin which matured to be one of the best OEM skins in recent times.
Vivo Nex Specifications and Features
The Vivo Nex has a 6.59-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display on the front, carrying a resolution of 1080x2316 pixels and 19.3:9 aspect ratio. Vivo is calling this display as 'Ultra FullView' display because there are no bezels on three sides of the handset. Being a flagship smartphone, the Vivo Nex comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset, and the Chinese vendor launched the device in a single 8GB RAM variant with 128GB of internal storage. Sadly, there's no microSD card slot for storage expansion.
The phone boots FunTouch OS 4.0 built on top of Android 8.1 Oreo. Vivo has achieved an insane 91.4% screen-to-body ratio on the Nex because it has gone with a motorised front-facing camera that pops up everytime you fire up the front camera function inside the camera app. It's an 8MP unit and the camera app comes with a host of features such as AR Stickers, Bokeh mode and so on. To the rear side, there are two cameras with 12MP and 5MP sensors. The rear camera has support for 4-axis OIS, f/1.8 aperture and LED flash.
The Vivo Nex has a 4000mAh battery inside and comes with fast charging too.
Vivo Nex Launch Offers and Availability
Vivo has priced the Nex at Rs 44,990 in India and the smartphone is already available for purchase on Amazon India and Vivo Store India. Aforesaid, it can also be purchased at select retail stores across the country.
As for the launch offers, Vivo is offering free one-time screen replacement with the handset along with Rs 5,000 discount offer if a customer exchanges their previous smartphone. Telecom operator Reliance Jio is also offering Rs 1,950 cashback on the smartphone if a customer opts for the Rs 198 or Rs 299 recharge plan and purchasing the device.